My Friends
Things I Do
Just Talkin'
If every human -- and I mean every human: every generation, everyone who's ever lived -- were to suddenly come alive again, like (snap) that, they would gather up their stones, their slings, their bows, their crossbows, their flintlocks, their revolvers and their pistols, and they would try to kill us all... And we'd deserve it. :D


Nice explosion, huh?

If you wanna know about me, just go to my page called About.

Wanna see my cool friends? Head to My Friends.

I do a whole lot of things, so look at the Things I Do.

Just want to see the stuff I've made? Check out my Thingamajigs.

For just talkin', see Just Talkin'. (Why do I shorten -ing to -in'? It's cool.)

The Index button at the bottom of each page brings you right back here.

If you want to get back to Neocities, click here.

My guestbook.

The whole point of an index is to index the pages, not to hold 184 paragraphs!


I'm a ninja!