My Friends
Things I Do
Just Talkin'

Let me learn you something about buttons.

So, basically, people who crave the whole idiotic "minimalist and professional" look (An example being the Windows 11 look, I hated it so much that I made it look like Windows XP, I'll have a webpage on how to do that later.) say that everything has to be rounded. Which it doesn't. Use round corners in moderation. Anyways, the reason this is relevant is because they've gone too far. They're roundin' the corners of checkboxes to the point where you can call 'em checkspheres. I'm the pioneer of that word. Some've (Pioneer of that word, too.) even ditched the checkmark because they think it's too "complicated." Like, what do they think we are? Monkeys? Anyways, by some sort of mistake or somethin', people are confusin' radio buttons and checkboxes.

Do you know the difference?

Which of these darn buttons is a radio button?

Be honest, you clicked both of them for fun, and now you can't unclick the first one.

Well, the one you can't unclick is the radio button. Know it's use well.

Oh, right, I forgot to tell you the use of them. Darn.

Short and sweet, you can only select one radio button, and you can't unselect that radio button, you can only switch to another radio button. But with checkboxes, you can select multiple checkboxes and unselect them all. I guess that wasn't short and sweet. A short and sweet explanation would be somethin' like this: Circle's one and done, square's... Uhh... More. Although that explanation doesn't really tell you the other quirks of it.

Either way, you know the difference. Tell your graphic design friends. (If you have any.)

According to my original draft for this, I was supposed to fit some pictures showing the misuse of those buttons and boxes, but I'm too lazy to find any, and they're real rare, fortunately.

So yeah, that's all, folks!

Uh, I really have no idea why I wrote this other than I wanted to test out the button stuff. I still think that Windows XP did round corners best, though; all the modern attempts are bland. Still, I don't know why I made such a big deal out of the misuse of radio buttons and checkboxes. Them's just buttons.
